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Thank you for your interest in my adoption story. If you become a regular reader, you'll probably learn more than I ever dreamed I would tell about myself. But if you are trying to decide if you want to take this journey with me, a little more information is in order.


I was born in Springfield, Ohio, but moved with my adoptive family to Columbia, S.C., in 1976, just before my seventh birthday. I consider myself a Southerner. I graduated from the University of South Carolina College of Journalism and Mass Communications with a degree in print journalism. I spent nearly a quarter century in various capacities at newspapers in Beaufort, Hilton Head Island and Columbia, S.C., and am currently the administrative chief of staff for the 14th Circuit Solicitor's Office. I'm a licensed drone pilot, avid photographer and videographer. 


I started this blog to comfort and inspire adoptees, as well as their biological and adoptive families. I also hope those outside this adoption triad see the power of hope. You can overcome, no matter what the world tells you. Current circumstance is not permanent destiny.


Jeff Kidd

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Blog author Jeff Kidd


Have a comment or question about the site or my search that you don't want to share publicly? Feel free to contact me directly. 

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